The weather is turning beautiful, FINALLY. I am really looking forward to having some nice and sunny days.
What I am not looking forward to is the HOT weather and the allergies.
Stupid allergies. I’m pretty much allergic to everything, and so far this year has been kicking my butt. It almost makes me miss winter. I’m not allergic to winter.
At a recent trip to our favorite thrift store, I found a little popsicle mold that makes 4 pops. Totally awesome. I’ve been wanting to make some fun popsicles for a while and now that I have a mold I will be making them all the time.
This was my first foray in the popsicle making business. I used frozen peaches, frozen mangoes and orange juice. They turned out rather well. I honestly didn’t measure anything so I have no recipe to offer, except that this combo is quite delicious.
The only things I would do differently next time would be letting the fruit FULLY thaw before blending and straining the mixture before I put it in the molds. The texture was a little funky because of the fruit bits, so I think a good straining will help that. I also think banana would be a very tasty addition to this mix.
I love that I can make my own pops and control the sugar, the ones from the store are so incredibly sweet to me that I can’t eat them. Yay! New and fun stuff!