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Apr 2, 2013 - File Icon Alcohol, Drinks   Comment Icon Comments Off on Cracking Open The Apple Pie Moonshine

Cracking Open The Apple Pie Moonshine

I cracked open the apple pie moonshine this weekend, and man it is good!

Moonshine Reveal

This stuff is dangerous. I know I made it with Everclear, but I really thought that it would be diluted with all the juice I added to it. So imagine my surprise when I cracked it open after 3 weeks and found it so strong!

But of course it had to come from the loving husband that I forgot to take in to account the fact that the juice would likely ferment as well and increase the percentage of alcohol. I used a hand dandy online calculator when I made it, and it said that at the time of mixing it would be roughly 30 proof (16%-ish alcohol).

However, what I ended up with is more akin to jet fuel than a slightly strong cocktail! Wowza it is strong!

Glass Of Moonshine

Don’t fill your glass this full. If I drank this whole glass, I would be laying on the floor and drooling. I would maybe fill a shot glass and sip it, than have a full glass.

Then again, I am a huge lightweight when it comes to drinking.

I really like the flavor. It turned out a little strong in the cinnamon, so next time I make it I would not leave the cinnamon sticks in it (I actually removed the sticks after the bottles sat a few days in the pantry, if I would have waited any longer then it would be way too overpowering and undrinkable in my opinion).

I now want to start experimenting with other types of infused alcohols. I’ve done a lot of reading and I think I could make some really awesome concoctions. Mango infused tequila anyone?


Mar 10, 2013 - File Icon Alcohol, Drinks   Comment Icon Comments Off on Making Moonshine? An Adventure In Alcohol

Making Moonshine? An Adventure In Alcohol

I am not a person that drinks a lot, mostly because I’m rather new to drinking. I can’t hold my alcohol, and it takes maybe half of a drink for me to get that nice relaxed feeling.

Apple Pie Moonshine

Recently my coworker saw one of the Moonshiners shows, and on there they made an apple pie moonshine.

He was instantly obsessed.
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