Elimination Diet – Crazy Or Fantastic?
I feel like my general goal for starting this blog has kind of gone to the wayside. I started doing this with the intention of learning better ways to make things I love, and also to make them healthier.
I feel like I’ve gotten away from that and haven’t been actually making that effort to truly create a better life and better relationship with food. Right now my relationship with food rather sucks. I’ve had an up and down relationship with food. Sometimes I’m doing really good and treating my body right with good foods, and other times I’m going off the wall and eating anything and everything in front of me.
I’ve gotten away from my healthy lifestyle and I need to make that change. So what am I doing? Elimination Diet aka Whole 30.
I’ve looked into a lot of elimination diets and thought about doing them for quite a while, and they are mostly used to help figure out if there is a food causing whatever health problems you have (in my case skin problems of acne and psoriasis/eczema) but will all the things you have to get rid of its rather terrifying. I’ve told a few people that I’m doing this plan, and I’ve gotten two different responses: “Really!? Yay! Fantastic!” or “You’re doing WHAT? And why the heck are you doing that!?”
Luckily my husband is being very supportive of me and is willing to try eating what I make for this eating plan. I know it’s going to be difficult, mostly for the whole going out part. We love to go out to eat, and eat far too much of it actually, but it’s going to be so difficult to find places that I know will not use all the things that are on the “Not Allowed” list.
So what’s on this dreaded no-no list?
Soy and all soy products
All other grains (no rice, quinoa, oatmeal, ect)
Dairy (except clarified butter or ghee)
Added sugar or sweeteners of any kind
White potatoes
MSG or sulfites
Now what are you going to have for breakfast? No pancakes, toast, home fries, muffins, oatmeal, cereal…? I think this is what stumps most people, but as long as they take time to plan then it doesn’t actually seem all that bad, especially when you stop looking at what you can’t have and look at what you CAN have.
My dear friend Marcy is a nutritionist and she looked over the plan for me with two thumbs up.
So I’m doing it.
Starting tomorrow.