Tuesday Tea Time: Adagio Sour Apple Herbal Tea Review
Sunday I wrote about my Tuesday Tea Time, and intended to post that on Tuesday, however my blonde was showing and I ended up posting it early.
Silly me.
Now that it’s Tuesday I can finally say it’s Tuesday Tea Time!
Today I am drinking the Sour Apple herbal tea I ordered from Adagio. I’ve gotten this before and I honestly forgot how much I enjoy this stuff. The last time I ordered I only got the sample, and that’s enough for someone to figure out if they like it.
Well I didn’t like it, I LOVED it. So this time around I got the bigger 3oz (85g) size.
When I was ordering I wasn’t quite sure how much tea it would actually be since the old sample tins didn’t say how much tea came in a container (the new ones do), but it turned out to be a bit more than I expected. I put the entire contents of the bag into a measuring cup and it came out to be roughly 1 1/3 cups of tea.
The first thing I noticed when I opened this bag is the smell. It is VERY strong, and soon the entire room smelled like a tart and earthy apple candy. There are a lot of dried apple pieces in the mix and those are what hit you first, then comes the earthiness from the hibiscus and the rose hips.
It makes my mouth water just smelling it. I am a huge fan of granny smith apples and that’s what it tastes like to me even though packaging says that its crab apple. I’ve eaten a few of the apple pieces after brewing and they’ve got that nice tart punch that a granny smith has. I think one of these days I’m going to have to try a crab apple.
After it’s been steeped (7 minutes with boiling water) the tea comes out a nice and vibrant reddish orangeish color. Sometimes the tea comes out a little darker depending on how much hibiscus and rose hips get into the tea, since there are so many apple pieces they tend to take over. Either way it turns out delicious.
The name of the tea makes you think it would be a very sour tea, but it’s not. If you ever bite into a nice slice of granny smith apple and love that slightly sweet but tart flavor that hits your mouth, you would love this tea. But its even more complex than that, if you let the flavors sit on your tongue you can also tastes hints of citrus (from the rose hip I believe) and even something that is slightly similar to a fresh blackberry picked off the bramble. To me it has a bit of an underlying sweetness, but to others it might be too sour. I think by adding some honey or agave nectar it would help to tone down that initial tartness.
Overall I would give this one an A+, it’s one of my favorite teas and I really have enjoyed drinking this just before bedtime.
*Disclaimer: This is not a paid advertisement for Adagio Teas, the opinions are my own and I bought the tea myself. Their company has no involvement in these reviews.*